Brian Jonestown Massacre

Brian Jonestown Massacre Tickets

 Foto: The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Flickr. Author: Aurelien Guichard (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Brian Jonestown Massacre TicketAlert

Beste fan van Brian Jonestown Massacre,

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Brian Jonestown Massacre Reviews

Op basis van 1 reviews

Dit vinden onze klanten van Brian Jonestown Massacre

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  • It was like a rollercoaster It was like a rollercoaster
    It was fun, we the audience, we tried to support the band. Cause sometimes they were playing as if it would be a tryout, but the audience was cheerful, we were there for the band, I think.:) But something happened between baseplates and the singer, they stopped they said somethings and left the stage.. earlier that expected… It was fun, we the audience, we tried to support the band. Cause sometimes they were playing as if it would be a tryout, but the audience was cheerful, we were there for the band, I think.:) But something happened between baseplates and the singer, they stopped they said somethings and left the stage.. earlier that expected…
    Geverifieerde aankoop Beoordeeld op: 2 augustus 2025 14:09
    Loreta Rogule uit Nijmegen,Nederland

    is naar Brian Jonestown Massacre geweest op 1 januari 1 in 013 Tilburg

    Lees wat Loreta Rogule schreef over TopTicketshop

    Beoordeling van Loreta Rogule over TopTicketshop

    Ticket shop was alright Ticket shop was alright
    the ticket shop it was a good experience, only got confused about the ticket itself by not saying the right price and my own name. The ticket shop it was a good experience, only got confused about the ticket itself by not saying the right price and my own name.
    Vertaald door TopTicketshop Toon origineel Vertaling tonen